The podcast is ostensibly about men’s style. Basically Lawrence, myself, and a few other dudes who’ve gone from supporting roles to actual characters on the show sit down with a guest and shoot the shit for about three to four hours. The first part of the podcast is a segment that we call “Fuck With/Not Fuck With,” where we take general categories that people care about or that we care about and then parse out what they’re fucking with in that category, and what they’re not fucking with. So while the point of entry is typically men’s fashion, it really branches out because everyone has multiple interests. Very few people only care about one thing. We’ll talk about movies, music, politics, race, sneaker culture, etcetera. Lately it’s been a lot about quarantine activities, like how to stay sane, what people are eating, what they’re doing. Once you’re in, you realize the show isn’t about clothes, but more about what we call the “Millennial Male Zeitgeist.”
I shit out a bunch of random questions on a piece of paper without even thinking, just, given the opportunity, anything I would want to ask this person. Then it’s about creating a flow of conversation so that we don’t end up with any dead ends or dead time or anything. If we have them for four hours, we want them to let their guard down and have a fun time talking to us.
We joke that our listeners are like 14- or 15-year-old virgins that joined our Patreon with their parents’ credit cards, but in reality, we get the most random mix of listeners. It’s amazing. People from different countries, men, women, boys, girls. My girlfriend was just saying that she saw a coworker who she would have never thought would be a listener listening to the pod. So while we joke that it’s just teenage boys who only care about clothes, it’s more diverse than that.