J.J. came up with our little tagline on the front: “A Magazine for Cannabis Lovers,” which is great. Broccoli looks at weed from a culture and fashion perspective, so looking at all the different things that a person who likes weed might also be interested in, or that we know they're interested in, because we are these people.
Stephanie put it really beautifully once: “For this type of person, weed is just one star in the constellation of their interests.” It’s doing both those people and the subject a disservice to ignore the rest of life. I understand this is just the premise of a lifestyle magazine in general, but like with many things for cannabis, even expected frameworks are still new and exciting. So we’re trying to find a balance between talking about weed and things that are just adjacent to the subject.
We’re often talked about within the framework of the luxury weed picture, but it’s funny because Broccoli is free. We try really hard to make sure that the stuff is a mix of things that are fantasy and reality. Not everything you see in there is going to be a $500 product.
We have seven people who have a regular thing each issue, and then we’re finding ways to get new people involved. We have a Science Editor, Zoe Sigman, for this third issue. She wrote to us because there was a factual error about CBD in our first issue and her email was so kind, like, “I just want to share this with you.” We went back and forth and I asked her some follow-up questions to make sure I was understanding it. Any time you hear some new science thing, you have to translate it to yourself, repeat it back to a person who knows the facts, and get that understanding of what’s really going on. We barely even got through those questions before I was like, “How about you take an editor’s eye from a science perspective on any article that makes any kind of claim, or references any kind of scientific understanding, and tell us if that seems to be the most up-to-date thing?” It’s just so cool to have her.